Nearly everyone has experienced neck pain at some point in their life, but it's estimated that between 10-21% of Americans suffer from ongoing symptoms in the cervical spine. Chiropractors specialize in the health of the cervical spine and surrounding tissues. Countless studies have attested to the effectiveness of chiropractic care and physical therapy for neck pain. Whether you've injured yourself in a car accident or are simply suffering from persistent spinal pain, our St. Louis chiropractors can diagnose the source of your injury and develop a non-invasive treatment plan to get you on the road to health.
Here are common reasons for neck pain we frequently treat in St. Louis, MO clinic.
Our St. Louis chiropractors will perform a complete physical and neurological examination of your neck, spine, and shoulders. They will use call X-ray and other imaging techniques only when necessary. After ascertaining the cause of your neck pain, our doctors will put together a non-invasive treatment plan that will include chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue techniques,acupuncture, and physical therapy.
Research shows that chiropractic adjustments and exercise can provide significant relief for many patients with neck pain. In fact, chiropractic adjustments were found to be more effective than common medications for alleviating pain. If you're searching for efficient relief of neck pain in St. Louis, contact Accident & Pain Relief of St. Louis today.
Bronfort G, et al. Spinal Manipulation, medication, or home exercise with advice for acute and subacute neck pain: a randomized trial. Annals of Internal Medicine 2012; 156 (1): 1-10.
Hoy DG, et al. The epidemiology of neck pain. Best Practice & Research Clinical Theumatology 2010; 24 (6): 783-92. doi: 10.1016/j.berh.2011.01.019.
Chiropractic care and neck pain: conservative care of cervical pain, injury. American Chiropractic Association.